Step 1: Sign In to Your Account
Go to and sign in.
Once signed in, navigate to the top-right corner of the page, where your profile information is located.
From the dropdown menu, select Payment Settings.
If you haven’t already completed identity verification, you’ll need to do so.
(We have a separate article/video explaining the identity verification process.)
Step 2: Start Direct Deposit Enrollment
Once identity verification is complete, return to Payment Settings and click the Enroll in Direct Deposit button.
Step 4: Enter Bank Account Information
You'll now need to enter your bank account details:
Account Type (Checking or Savings)
Routing Number
Account Number
And a few other preferences.
Once you’ve entered all the required details, click Save.
Step 5: Confirm Your Bank Details
After saving, wait 1 to 3 business days for a small deposit to be made into your bank account.
Once you receive this deposit, return to the Payment Settings page and click on the Pending Verification link.
Step 6: Verify Your Account
Enter the amount of the small deposit you received (e.g., $0.32) into the verification field.
Click Verify My Bank Account.
Step 7: Confirmation
Once the amounts match, your bank account will be verified.
You’ll see the word Active appear in your account status.
That’s it! You’re now enrolled in Direct Deposit. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team via the chat below!